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Know Your Score

Know Your Score

The fast, free and secure way
to get your business credit score.

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Your business credit score provides an insight into the financial standing of your business, which is a significant factor that banks and lenders consider when assessing a loan application. If you’re considering getting a loan to help grow your business it’s worth knowing your score first.


With OnDeck’s Know Your Score, we not only provide a fast, free and secure way to access your score, but unlike with some other providers, you can check your score without leaving a footprint. This way, you can establish the health of your business without the risk of lowering your business credit score and potentially affecting any future loans you apply for.


Fast and Free

Get your score immediately –
there’s no cost and no obligation


Safe and Secure

Our secure platform means all your information is safe


Risk Free

Check your score without impacting
your credit rating

Making sure your business credit score is the best it can be

Your business credit score is a numerical representation of your business’s credit history, derived from your credit profile. Building a strong credit profile is essential for ensuring your business credit score is as high as possible.

Here are some tips to help you strengthen your credit profile:

Pay your bills on time:

Consistently paying your business bills on time is crucial. Timely payments are one of the most significant factors in building a strong credit history.

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Establish trade credit accounts with suppliers:

Set up accounts with suppliers that report to credit bureaus. Regularly use these accounts and adhere to the agreed payment terms.

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Monitor your business
credit report:

Regularly review your business credit reports for accuracy and promptly dispute any errors to ensure your credit history is correct.

Tick Light Blue (2)

Keep your business and personal finances separate:

Use dedicated business accounts and credit cards to avoid mixing finances, which can negatively impact your credit scores.

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For more information and tips, check out our blog.

Frequently Asked Questions